Lustige Bilder Germany [Seite: 2]
How Germany is actually split...
How Germany is actually split. Kommentar (1) | tags:
In Germany we don't say..
In Germany we don't say "Stay with me a little longer." we say "Ich beende die Stunde, nicht die Schulklingel, verdammt nochmal!" and I think it's beautiful. Kommentar (0) | tags:
In Germany we don't care about Digitalisierung..
In Germany we don't care about Digitalisierung. We print our Digital tickets trotzdem and put it into Klarsichtfolie because sicher is sicher. Kommentar (0) | tags:
In Germany, we don't say "I have to go now"..
In Germany, we don't say "I have to go now", we klatschen the hands on the oberschenkel and say "So!" and I think that's beautiful. Kommentar (1) | tags:
In Germany we don't say "Tax the rich"..
In Germany we don't say "Tax the rich", we say "Es braucht mehr Respekt für Besserverdienende" and I think that's genau das gottverdammte Problem. Kommentar (6) | tags:
Und deshalb steht "Made in Germany" für Qualität...
Und deshalb steht "Made in Germany" für Qualität. Kommentar (1) | tags: #qualität
Scariest things in Germany..
Scariest things in Germany: - Spinnen - Mettigel - Bürokratie - Neuer Podcast mit Luke - Brücken Kommentar (0) | tags: #spinnen #bürokratie