Lustige Bilder - Said

What's the last thing..


What's the last thing he said before his truck ended up there? Kommentar (3) | tags:

And God said..


And God said, "Let's make kittens soft and warm, like fuzzy hugs. And put tiny razor blades on their feet." Kommentar (0) | tags:

Warum ?


Kommentar (0)

But darling, I never said that...



But darling, I never said that... - What Bob said and when. Kommentar (0) | tags:   #said

Die Kombination aus Ingwer, Kamille und Honig lindert..

Honig, Medikamente, Schmerzen, Menstruation


Die Kombination aus Ingwer, Kamille und Honig lindert Menstruationsschmerzen wirksamer als Medikamente (NSAIDs). Kommentar (0) | tags:   #honig  #medikamente  #schmerzen  #menstruation

No! No! I said carve a sacred cow!..



No! No! I said carve a sacred cow! Kommentar (0) | tags:   #said



No, no, no! I said, "Off to the Schmidt house." Kommentar (0) | tags:   #said

E Bike, Bike, Said


Grandma said, sell the bike and get a minivan for the grandkids. Grandpa, nope. Kommentar (1) | tags:   #e bike  #bike  #said

Hai, Hand, Said


Me looking in the mirror after my mom said l’m looking handsome after the new haircut: Kommentar (0) | tags:   #hai  #hand  #said

Marie, Said


Thinking about the time that I said that I was distantly related to Marie Curie and a guy explained "It's pronounced Mariah Carey" Kommentar (0) | tags:   #marie  #said



IT SAID TO SERVE AT ROOM TEMPERATURE! Kommentar (1) | tags:   #said