Lustige Bilder - Said
But darling, I never said that...
But darling, I never said that... - What Bob said and when. Kommentar (0) | tags: #said
Die Kombination aus Ingwer, Kamille und Honig lindert..
Die Kombination aus Ingwer, Kamille und Honig lindert Menstruationsschmerzen wirksamer als Medikamente (NSAIDs). Kommentar (0) | tags: #honig #medikamente
No! No! I said carve a sacred cow!..
No! No! I said carve a sacred cow! Kommentar (0) | tags: #said
Grandma said, sell the bike and get a minivan for the grandkids. Grandpa, nope. Kommentar (0) | tags: #e bike #bike #said
Me looking in the mirror after my mom said l’m looking handsome after the new haircut: Kommentar (0) | tags: #hai #hand #said
Thinking about the time that I said that I was distantly related to Marie Curie and a guy explained "It's pronounced Mariah Carey" Kommentar (0) | tags: #marie #said