Lustige Bilder German [Seite: 2]

In Germany we don’t say: "Hallo könnten Sie die Musik.."

Musik, Hallo, Guten Tag, Ordnungsamt


In Germany we don’t say: „Hallo könnten Sie die Musik etwas leiser drehen?“ No, we say: Ja, Guten Tag, Ordnungsamt, der Nachbar hat um 22:01 Uhr immer noch laute Musik an. Ja, mit Blaulicht bitte! Kommentar (2) | tags:   #musik  #hallo  #guten tag  #ordnungsamt



Mercedes in Germany / Mercedes in Balkan Kommentar (0) | tags:   #mercedes

Warum ?


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How Germany is actually split...



How Germany is actually split. Kommentar (1) | tags:

You're a real German..



You're a real German when you went with your Laterne and your Laterne went with you. Kommentar (0) | tags:



You're a real German when you went with your Laterne and your Laterne went with you. Kommentar (1) | tags:



Elf in Hollywood / Elf in anime / Elf in German Kommentar (0) | tags:   #anime

In Germany we don't say..



In Germany we don't say "Stay with me a little longer." we say "Ich beende die Stunde, nicht die Schulklingel, verdammt nochmal!" and I think it's beautiful. Kommentar (0) | tags:

In Germany we don't care about Digitalisierung..



In Germany we don't care about Digitalisierung. We print our Digital tickets trotzdem and put it into Klarsichtfolie because sicher is sicher. Kommentar (0) | tags:



Who remembers this German dinner story for kids? THERE ONCE WAS A BOY WHO DIDN'T WANT TO EAT HIS SOUP. HE STARVED TO DEATH. GUTE NACHT! Kommentar (4) | tags:



Do you speak German? - yes - say something... - Scheiße Kommentar (0) | tags: